Using this web site

his website is managed by Nabtesco Corporation Precision Equipment Company (“PR”). By using this website, you agree to the following terms (“Terms of Use”). These Terms of Use are subject to change. Please review the most recent version before using this website.

Processing the Personal Information
When you use this website, your personal information which the Company obtains and uses is processed in accordance with the separately defined privacy policy. By using this website, you agree to the Company’s use of your personal information in accordance with such privacy policy. You may withdraw your consent to such processing of your personal information at any time; however, such withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing performed based on the consent provided before such withdrawal.
Waiver Clause
PR offers absolutely no guarantee of the accuracy, usefulness, or certainty of information posted on and/or contents of this website. In the event of an error in the contents or information posted on this website, PR assumes zero responsibility. In addition, please be aware that the information and/or contents posted on this site are subject to change or deletion without notice.
The copyright of this website, in the absence of any special notification, reverts to PR or its recognized rights holder(s). This website does not grant consent nor rights to any copyright or other intellectual property owned by PR or its recognized rights holder(s). Reuse or reproduction of the contents and information posted on this website without permission is strictly prohibited. In the event where individual contents have displayed their own unique terms of service, the appropriate terms will take precedence.
All trademarks and service marks used on this website are owned by PR or their respective rights holder(s). These may not be used without consent.
TIn order to link to this website, please send your request to PR in advance using the website's inquiry form. In the request, please include your name, contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address), the URL of the page from which you would like to link, the contents of that website and the purpose of the link. PR will answer that you may link to this website or not. You may not link to this website without consent of PR.
Linked Sites
The websites of third parties whose links are posted on this website (below: Linked Sites) are the sole responsibility of their respective managers. If you choose to use a Linked Site, please follow all rules and regulations associated with it. Use of any such Linked Site is at the user's own risk, and PR assumes no responsibility for the information or any errors resulting from its use.
Prescribed on February 10, 2017
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